
Upcoming Events

All Energy 2024

All Energy Exhibition & Conference

All-Energy is a platform to gather the power of expertise, knowledge and innovative technology to better engineer an integrated net zero energy future with the security of supply an increasingly important factor. Click below to register your interest in the event.

CARES 2024

CARES Conference

The CARES Conference will take place in September. Further information will be released in due course. In the meantime, click below to stay tuned for Local Energy Scotland’s 2024 events.

Onshore Wind Conference 2024

Onshore Wind Conference

The Onshore Wind Conference 2024 returns to Edinburgh in September. Further information will be communicated in due course. Click below to register your interest in the event.

Solar & Storage Live 2024

Solar & Storage Live

Solar & Storage Live is a forward-thinking, challenging and exciting renewable energy exhibition that celebrates the technologies at the forefront of the transition to a greener, smarter, more decentralised energy system. Click below to register your interest in the event.


The Net Zero & Energy Management Expo

EMEX aims to bring together those passionate about devising energy-efficiency strategies, implementing the latest energy-efficient technologies and developing leadership capabilities within their organisation. Click below to register your interest in the event.

Stay tuned for more events.

Past Events

Below we have a collection of previous events which are available to view via our YouTube channel.

Developing a Successful Community Renewable Energy Project Webinar Recording

Developing a successful community renewable project is challenging and there are a lot of things to examine and understand in the process. Hence, this webinar will cover aspects of supporting, empowering and enabling local communities when developing renewable energy projects.

Businesses are taking on board the challenges of moving to Net Zero for a wide ranging reasons – cost reduction, cost control, brand strengthening, driving sales generation, employer reputation, investor reputation, supply chain pressure or simply the right thing to do to future proof your business.

As a business owner or sustainability manager you may be looking at how to start, what your next steps should be or how others are progressing.

This webinar showcases different aspects of a business’s potential Net Zero journey, such as the steps to start the Net Zero journey for your business and the tools that are useful to achieve your targets, with a practical case study as a reference for businesses to consider when planning and implementing their own Net Zero path. 

The programme is as below:

  • Introduction of Net Zero Journey for UK businesses
  • Navigating your business towards Net Zero and getting to the right path
  • Using on-site renewables to achieve Net Zero targets
  • Business case study
  • Q&A

The current energy crisis has severely impacted many businesses. As contracts come to their renewal point they face an energy market with highly inflated prices and increasing volatility. Most businesses should be taking steps to insulate themselves against these risks.

As a business owner or manager what strategies should you be considering?

This webinar brings together expert advisers on energy management and procurement options for commercial businesses together with specialists in renewable energy to understand how you can ensure your business minimises the impact of impending price rises and retains control of its energy overheads.

The programme is as below:

  • Introduction of the topic and the speakers
  • Commercial energy costs and how to control them, Advantage Utilities
  • Controlling energy costs through renewable self-generation, Locogen Consulting
  • Q&A
Long Duration Energy Storage Webinar Info.

Excess energy generated from renewables is often restricted due to grid constraints. For new renewable projects, one significant part of the site’s feasibility is grid constraints. These restrictions can limit the size of a project, and also inhibit the chance of a renewable project to continue.

Long Duration Energy Storage. It works by storing low carbon energy generation for longer periods of time, absorbing excess (that would otherwise be curtailed) and exporting when needed.

The webinar programme is as below:

  • Government funding challenges and reasons for interest in it
  • Introducing Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB), its advantages & disadvantages, and comparison to Li-ion
  • Technical feasibility of Solar PV co-location
  • Market trends and revenue opportunity for a grid balancing project
  • Results from the BEIS feasibility study
  • Q&A

With gas prices rising, rebated fuel reforms approaching, and net zero targets looming, many industries will struggle to sustainably fuel their operations. 

This webinar aims to shine a light on:

  • Market changes and how they will impact your sector
  • The alternative technology options for your business
  • Key commercial benefits, costs, and considerations based on real examples
  • How Locogen can support you through the energy transition

With the UK government setting a legally binding target to achieve net-zero carbon by 2050 (2045 in Scotland) industry leaders are looking hard at ways to decarbonise their businesses. 

Some sectors, such as process industries, are more difficult than others. Distilleries, for example, are high energy users, traditionally using fossil fuels to generate steam for the distillation process. 

This webinar uses real-world examples of how these obstacles can be overcome, including: 

  • The options available to reduce carbon emissions for a hard to decarbonise industry
  • Innovative solutions, including hydrogen, novel heat storage and more
  • Key rewards and risks based on real examples
  • Opportunities to roll out these solutions to other industry sectors

What can we do for you?

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