
Community energy sits at the heart of the Government’s Energy Strategy as it can deliver lasting benefits to communities looking to make the most of their renewable resource. Locogen offers a full range of services to community groups to ensure successful completion of projects. Community-owned renewable energy projects provide a great opportunity for local residents to collectively develop and own green energy projects. Not only does this create a local energy generator which boosts energy security (particularly in rural locations) it also provides a long-term revenue stream for the community’s benefit. As community organisations are set up on a not-for-profit basis, the surplus from a renewable scheme after operational expenses can be used to support other local projects.

We have been working with community groups for several years, providing advice on site selection through to accessing finance and turnkey design and installation services. During this time we have helped to deliver many community renewable energy projects, adopting a flexible approach to engaging with the community, including working together in a shared ownership model.

Community Renewable Energy Service Portfolio

Locogen is widely experienced in delivering community energy projects and can assist at every stage in the project lifecycle. Our comprehensive services include:

  • Site Identification
  • Feasibility Study
  • Consenting
  • Securing Construction Finance
  • Design  
  • Construction Management  
  • Asset Management of Operational Schemes
  • Operation & Maintenance
  • Financial Services

Technologies Covered

  • Solar generation
  • Wind/hydro generation
  • Energy storage
  • Renewable heat – biomass, air and ground source
  • Electric vehicle charging
  • Smart energy networks
  • Hydrogen (off grid)

Looking To The Future

The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring that at least half of all newly consented renewable energy projects have an element of shared ownership by 2020, contributing to 1GW of community and locally-owned energy by 2020, rising to 2GW by 2030. There is no doubt, then, that community renewable energy projects are at the heart of Scotland’s Energy Strategy.In future, small-scale renewables will start to interact more with the smart grid, energy storage, flexible solutions, transport and heating sectors, to provide integrated local energy systems, many of which will be local community-led projects. This is one of the six priorities set out in the Scottish Energy Strategy and one of the main themes of Ofgem’s Flexibility Plan. With the potential for peer-to-peer energy trading and virtual private networks, the future for decentralised local energy is bright.

Working With Locogen

As a renewable energy developer, owner and operator ourselves, Locogen are well aware of the many demands in getting renewable energy projects developed. We are experienced in bringing some challenging community projects to fruition, both on behalf of community groups and in partnership via a shared ownership model – and we’ve won our fair share of community awards along the way. We also have excellent experience in getting the most out of an operational project through our dedicated asset management team.

Community Energy in England

In England, the Rural Community Energy Funds provides support for bringing schemes to a proof of feasibility status – up to £40,000 of funding – and Locogen have been appointed by The North East, Yorkshire and ‘Humber’ Local Energy Hub to provide support for this stage of scheme development. Community groups across England can, and do, work with us to progress their renewable energy projects and access this finding.

 We can also provide you with introductions to a range of other support services (such as advice on structuring community cooperatives) and help you select trustworthy system suppliers and installers. However, you are free to use other consultants with the agreement of your RCEF project officer.

We would suggest that you give us the opportunity to talk to you about your plans and provide some initial advice (this is free!) and if we can help we will then provide you with a detailed proposal with a work scope, deliverables and costs that you can review with your RCEF project officer.
If you are happy with our proposal, RCEF will fund it.


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