The Scottish government published its Programme for Government on Tuesday 3rd September. This wide-ranging document sets out the Government’s plans to help create a more successful Scotland over the coming year and the Climate Emergency Response Group 12-point plan features prominently.
Ending Scotland’s contribution to climate change is at the heart of the Government’s programme.
As members of the Climate Emergency Response Group, Locogen were particularly pleased to see the Scottish Government’s response to the group’s 12-point plan given such prominence in the document.
The Programme for Government referenced the Group by saying:
“Scotland’s answer to the climate emergency will require us to work across the public, private and third sectors and across Scotland’s diverse communities.
The recently established Climate Emergency Response Group (CERG) already shows the sort of collaboration that we will need to see to be successful. We have noted their 12 specific asks and this Programme for Government responds as follows. We will continue to work with them and other key stakeholders across Scottish society to deliver on our commitment to net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045.”
The document then goes on to address each point in the CERG’s 12-point plan in detail:
Response from Climate Emergency response Group and Locogen
Responding on behalf of the CERG to the publication of the Programme for Government, Mike Thornton, Group Director of Operations, Energy Saving Trust said: “We welcome and are heartened by the broad package of measures in response to the climate emergency which were announced today in the Programme for Government. These are the bold and transformational policies, spanning sectors from transport, agriculture, buildings to procurement, that are needed to show we are serious about addressing the climate emergency. An emergency requires an emergency response.”
Locogen CEO, Andrew Lyle, added: “There is no doubt that tackling climate change requires concerted action across all sectors and the CERG provides a focus for this, which we’re proud to be a part of. The Scottish Government’s response to the CERG 12-point plan has been swift, clear and comprehensive. Indeed, it’s pleasing to see the Government’s broader climate commitments featured front and centre in the Programme for Government.”
Useful Links
Programme for Government document here.
Climate Emergency Response Group 12-point plan here.
IPCC report on the effects of 1.5 degrees of global warming here.